Multi datacentre HA platforms

The architecture and deployment of multi datacentre high-availability platforms including CI/CD on Amazon AWS have been on our daily task list for the last few years.

Is your website or app highly available? How would you cope with downtime for a longer period or even just a maintenance window where a single server needs to be rebooted?

Using auto-scaling for your multi-server architecture allows to adjust the resource requirements for your site by automatically adding or removing more servers to the environment based on current usage. For example if you start a marketing campaign and traffic to your website increases a lot, the platform will automatically add more server as required, and if traffic goes back to normal servers will slowly get removed.


A typical example is visible in the picture to the right. We will spec the architecture to your requirements and assist you with all needed steps to go online.


Continues Integration and Continues Delivery are ways of pushing your code online. We have several options available to suit your needs and will make suggestions on how to optimize the work flow.

Multi Datacentre

True High Availability spanned over multiple datacentres for all services, e.g. load balancers, web servers, database servers, storage. In case of a datacentre failure this got you covered.

Get your website or app highly available!

We will work with your devs or team to make this move easy.